Big Dave Lenigas

117 days ago

UPDATED: Big Dave Lenigas – is almost 3 months a short time? What are you hiding now?

I have put this question to the broker to the latest insolvent Lenigas promote, the fragrant Lucy Williams at Peterhouse but not yet had a response. You may remember that at the last possible moment Pennpetro (PPP) ducked out of publishing results for calendar 2022 by changing its year end, for no reason at all, to March 31.


1539 days ago

Has the Big Dave Lenigas cannabis play just seen C$7 million go up in smoke?

Perhaps you remember the farce that was Lenigas Cuba (LGC)? It was not an IPO that covered David Lenigas in glory. The merde seems to have continued….


2033 days ago

Big Dave Lenigas & Lyin' Steve Sanderson Horse Hill Caption Contest

Tear yourself away from looking at how much your portfolio is down and cheer yourself up by providing a caption for the photo David Lenigas is tweeting out today of him standing at Horse Hill with UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) boss Lyin' Steve Sanderson. Post your entries in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight tonight. The wittiest entry wins the usual prize: a semi naked photo of the UK's top share blogger, before lunchtimes, "Thirsty" Paul Scott.


2084 days ago

The Russians are quaking because of Horse Hill - is this the most ramptastic David Lenigas tweet yet?

A man who slammed Elon Musk of Tesla for making irresponsible statements that he could not validate via twitter has just made the most ramptastic claim in history about the Gatwick Gusher. Step forward David Lenigas. Without extensive drilling which has yet to take place Big Dave Lenigas cannot justify this statement in any way shape or form. But apparently the Russians are quaking that little old UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) is going to transform the metrics of global oil supply... whatever...


2085 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - at absolutely every level Big Dave Lenigas talks bollocks on Twitter

In today's podcast i look at tweets from Big Dave Lenigas which at every level would, in the US, see him heading for the cell next to the one being prepared for Tesla's Elon Musk. He just cannot substantiate what he is saying. I then look at Pantheon Resources (PANR), have a question about May 25 2019 and the Horse Hill Woodlarks walk, at Condor Gold (CNR), one of Jim Mellon's dogs, at Imaginatik (IMTK) at what price would I buy for Vin Murria? Finally there is a detailed look at Marechale Capital (MAC) a true AIM Casino POS. The goat milking video to which I refer is HERE and the latest Hovel photos are HERE


2192 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast -C'mon big Dave Lenigas, more ramping please for we loyal shareholders

If you are having problems shorting the big 1 billion mega scam exposed last night HERE, bearcast has the answer. In other news I discuss Anglo African Agriculture (AAAP), Symphony Environmental (SYM), Weatherley (WTI), Mothercare (MTC), Amur (AMC), Conviviality (CVR) and Ncondezi (NCCL). 


2434 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The 88 Energy trainwreck & would you rather back a company run by Steve Moore or Dave Lenigas

My relative radio silence since yesterday is explained by this video. Today's bearcast is my last recorded from Greece for almost three months. The view from where I record is spectacular. The only question is whether I can upload it given how piss poor the internet is here. I look at 88 Energy (88E) and see massive problems ahead, comment on BNN (BNN) and Telit (TCM) and that brings me to the issue of management. It is critical in investing. Ceteris paribus, would you rather a company you were invested in was run by our own Steve Moore or by Big Dave Lenigas?


2635 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ouzo time for me but a bad bathtime for an AIM CEO tonight

The ouzo refers to the latest crushing blow for snakeoil salesman Darren Winters. This man has claimed to have fleeced, sorry trained, 500,000 Britons yet still the deadwood press fail to report on our takedown of the charlatan. Pathetic. The bathtime refers to the CEO of Tracsis (TRCS) who claims to listen to bearcast in his bath. I comment on today's trading update. Then it is onto China fraud Jiasen (JSI) and its latest bollocks news signed off by low life Nomad Cairn Financial. And then after an en passant look at Polemos (PLMO) I take a very detailed look at Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR) which is overvalued hype with a bushel of red flags thrown in for good measure. I advise my pal Big Dave Lenigas to take profits and sell and others to do likewise.


3209 days ago

Breaking: Lenigas Cuba raising £3 million at 2p TODAY, ahead of 5p IPO but not on AIM

And we are off again with the next Big Dave Lenigas fund raise. This time it is Lenigas Cuba where books will close on Friday on a pre IPO funding raising £3 million (or a bit more) at 2p. Heck I know I’m on sabbatical but I thought I’d share this scoop with you.


3295 days ago

Lenigas says he is to sue Andrew Bell & calls him a liar - another big Dave twitter threat

Over the weekend Big Dave Lenigas of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and numerous other companies took to twitter with a series of evening tweets threatening to sue some Bulletin Board Moron from the Grim Northern welfare safaris who had questioned Horse Hill. Has Big Dave actually launched proceedings?  We know not. But next up is Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) who Lenigas accuses of “being a liar”
